Artwork by Sirius Element
How The Program Works:
Our program starts at the base level of meditation known as Pranayama, which is the exercise of controlled conscious breathing. Most human beings have shallow breathing; meaning, we do not amass enough oxygen flow to feed the vital organs and rid the body of toxins. When said toxins are not released, they pile up and result in internal issues that ultimately lead to mental and physical imbalances such as depression, high blood pressure, etc. This breakdown can be instantaneously reversed through Pranayama by employing very simple techniques based on altering breath patterns that result in but are not limited to heightened awareness, peacefulness, control of emotions, optimal health and overall clarity.
From this foundational impetus, we work our way up the 8 runged latter of yoga, which means to yoke or merge. This process is accredited to carrying the human being to the highest levels of their potential whether that be a successful business mogul or an aspiring student.