
How Does It Work?

We open up with a round of gender exclusive mingling; meaning only men get to talk to men and women only talk to women prior to the first speed meeting round.  We have constructed it like this so that no one will know who they’re talking while blindfolded; so everyone remains as free as possible from appearance based, preconceived notions. This also give attendees an opportunity to make connections with the same sex and make new friends, business partners, etc.

Next, we begin the first round of speed meeting where each attendee will have 1 question in mind that they will ask each person they talk to and vice versa. Each round is about 3 mins then the switch to the next person ensues.

The final segment is when the blindfolds come off and we have a tribe style roundtable discussion in which the attendees will have submitted one written question upon entry to throw into the pot of ice breakers. Volunteers randomly select what question the entire group gets to collectively dig into.

We then finish the night with mingling amongst men and women, dancing etc.

Blindfolded Speed Meeting.

Blindfolded Speed Meeting is the first installment in the event series "Bridging of the Sexes" through which we employ entertaining ways to break down the barriers that obstruct our ability to connect and comprehend each other across gender lines.

This event is inspired by speed dating, but diffuses the pressure of speed dating in the sense that there is no underlying expectation to meet someone to date. Instead, we use the blindfolded aspect and the idea of simply meeting new people to open people’s minds up to the fact that every person we come across, even if not our Mr or Mrs "Right", has something to teach us that can ultimately lead us to such a gift.


Wine and food is included in the ticket price. Blindfolded speed meeting will be hosted in midtown New Brunswick Art Gallery “Above Art Studios” where we will be surrounded by beautiful, local artwork.

We hope to see you there so that you can partake in this laid back, fun and informative experience!